Announcement: Release Historical Fiction Short Story Retribution

Release announcement of Retribution, a short story in the historical fiction series Adventures of Francis Drake.

I am very pleased to announce the release of the historical fiction short story Retribution. Part of Adventures of Francis Drake series, Retribution explores a fictional cutting out raid to recapture ship. Read more about the the plot of the historical fiction short story Retribution.

In my exploration of Sir Francis Drake’s life, I wondered what his prior experiences were like to produce the daring land raid against the Isthmus of Panama later in life. Where did Drake get his bearings as a commander of a land attack from a forward base? This is my answer to that question.

Retribution is set between the upcoming historical fiction novels Sic Parvis Magna and First Blood novels and is a bridge story between Francis Drake’s earlier experience as an apprentice that Sic Parvis Magna explores and his revenge-motivated raids on Spanish Panama that elevated him as a successful naval commander and pirate.

Adventures of Francis Drake – Retribution is available for purchase as both a Kindle edition and a printed version on Retribution is also available through this website by signing up for my email updates.

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