Historical Fiction

image of woman on couch reading

Here is an archive of my historical fiction book reviews. Although I read broadly, I primarily enjoy reading historical fiction that is set in a period over 50-100 years ago. The traditional “cut off” point for historical fiction is 50 years or more, but to me, “historical” fiction should be older than I am.

Musician Mark Smeaton in King Henry VIII Court performing his last song for Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII (Tudor)

The Last Song – Historical Flash Fiction

In the opulent and treacherous court of Henry VIII, a low-born musician Mark Smeaton strums a defiant, treasonous melody. His song, a veiled confession of a love that should never have been, drifts through the hall—its meaning hidden to most. However, the King…

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Sir Francis Drake with his Coat Of Arms with the inscription of Sic Parvis Magna

Sic Parvis Magna Meaning

The meaning of Sic Parvis Magna is from small beginnings, greatness. This is the title of the first book of the historical fiction series Adventures of Francis Drake.

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Historical Fiction Novel Sic Parvis Magna part of cover

Historical Fiction Novel Sic Parvis Magna

The historical fiction novel Sic Parvis Magna is the coming of age story of Francis Drake—a farm boy before his notoriety as a pirate who spectacularly raided the Spanish Main, or his fame as a circumnavigator and bold admiral who “singed Phillip’s beard.”

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cover of the historical fiction novel Trust and Treason by JR Tomlin

Historical Fiction Book Review: Trust and Treason by JR Tomlin

In JR Tomlin’s historical fiction novel Trust and Treason, Sir Archibald “The Grim” Douglas returns home following the disastrous battle at Neville’s Cross. He finds his land overran by the English and fights a personal guerrilla war to to rid Scotland of her invaders. However, he soon finds a deeper treachery, one that forces him to choose where his loyalty lies.

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Image of the Alchemy Thief by R. A. Denny, a historical fantasy novel

Historical Fantasy Book Review: Alchemy Thief by R. A. Denny

Be careful of what you ask of God … as you just might get it.

“…The vastness of the ocean that stretched to meet the sky filled her with a longing to reconnect with the God of the universe. She wanted to feel that closeness and security again. ‘Here I am, God, she prayed. ‘But what am I here for?’”

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