Historical Fiction Novel Sic Parvis Magna Progress

Sic Parvis Magna Update: 80k words!

I am pleased to announce that the manuscript of the historical novel Sic Parvis Magna, the start-of-series of the Adventures of Francis Drake just crossed 80k words.

Although it is slow, I am pleased with the progress of the manuscript revisions of the draft 0 (which started at 50,000 words). While Historical Fiction short story Retribution actually comes after Sic Parvis Magna, it was released before.

Lots of depth was added to the characters and settings, including Drake. You can read about the villains Guichenot and Reynard in their character sketches.

Readers of Retribution will remember Trelawney’s memory of the injuries he received in a sea battle. That sea battle is part of the start-of-series novel as well; in fact, this is one of the key scenes. I referred to it in a prior post, Adventures of Francis Drake Sic Parvis Magna Update, as requiring rework for technical reasons (which I am also working on. Turns out that my initial sketch of the escape scene during draft zero is technically implausible.

For those that are unaware, Sic Parvis Magna started as a NanoWriMo project in 2020, which I “won” (by crossing the 50k words in a month. That was hard, but I think that it is even harder to make that “Draft 0” into a real draft one for a story that actually seems to fit together.

While the writing is still rough and definitely “Draft Almost 1,” it is really starting to feel more like a real story.

Read the first scene from the historical fiction novel. The changes that are being written into the story are really exciting.

I just wish it would be faster!

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About Paul Jariabek

I am a father, husband, historical fiction author, and technology executive. Get in touch with me through the social platforms below or by emailing me.

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